Writers at Dural Author Series

As part of the Writers at Dural author series, eleven writers will be appearing over three weeks at Dural library - on 4, 11 and 18 May from 10.30-12. Please save the dates. We'd love to see you there!

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4 May: Lisa Chaplin, Isolde Martyn, Cathryn Hein and Lizzy Chandler

Book: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/writers-at-dural-4th-may-panel-tickets-33517042376

11 May: TJ Hamilton, Sarah Barrie, Téa Cooper and Emily Madden

Book: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/writers-at-dural-11th-may-panel-tickets-33517119607

18 May: Mary-Anne McGregor, Shannon Curtis and Penelope Janu

Book: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/writers-at-dural-18th-may-panel-tickets-33517142676

You can book (just $5 to cover the cost of tea and biscuits) directly through the library website as well.

Books will be available for purchase (cash only) on the day, or the writers will be happy to sign copies of books you've already purchased!